Monday, July 27, 2009


hi guys!
Here's some 3d shots of the space layout and the shapes for which we are going to build the sculptures. sounds awesome ey!
the shapes will not be coloured like the ones here, that's just so we can pick put the shapes in 3D...
Also the octagon shapes and circle may not have the middles cut out of them, this might give the sculpture more strength. if anyone can think up some ideas on how they see the "sculptures" being setup please feel free to email me an ill arrange it in 3D. Also if anyone would like the Maya file to do it themselves an play about with the shapes give us a yell an ill send it to you!

Reminders for Wednesday: ill need aaaaaallll ppl involved to help cutting shapes, line marking and initial setup. so bring your cutting tools if you have any, Troy has some on order for us to use if you cant bring your own. We do need some large metal rulers so if you can bring them along that would be coolies too.

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